Insulation plays a critical role in the safety and comfort of marine vessels and rigs. However, insulating a ship or offshore rig presents some unique challenges not found in commercial buildings and residential applications.

A typical marine application requires a multi-function insulation material that yields thermal, fire and acoustic performance. Additionally, insulation for marine applications must withstand moisture, humidity and corrosion.

Fortunately, the marine industry has seen the development of insulation materials that meet these requirements and more. Marine insulation can be installed on a wide range of vessels, including cruise ships, commercial cargo containers and tankers, offshore oil platforms and military vessels.

These vessels vary in size and scope, but they have 1 common denominator: they must be insulated to perform at high levels. Marine-rated insulations must meet numerous requirements set forth by classifying bodies.

Fire resistance is a primary concern, as crews aboard drill rigs, commercial ships and naval ships may be far from land-based evacuation points in the event of a fire. To address this, the marine-rated insulations that are typically specified must pass stringent IMO tests for fire safety.

Moisture and humidity are another consideration for marine insulation, as they can cause a wide array of problems from corrosion to rot and mould growth. Insulation that prevents the passage of water and inhibits the growth of fungi can help reduce maintenance costs while protecting structural components and equipment.

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